HESA Data Futures Changes for 4.45
The following changes have been made in ebs Central for 4.45:
Data Entry
WAL The Estranged (ESTRANGED) field has been added to the Learner details screen and the Learner Manager Learners grid.
WAL A new tab UI Mod Del Roles (Module Delivery Roles) will show in Curriculum Manager for institutions with a valid HESA licence.
The Teacher Reference Number (TRN) field has been moved to the redundant fields section in the HESA Details tab of the Enrolment Details screen.
In Curriculum Details, on the HESA Student tab, the following HESA SA fields have been made read-only and moved to a redundant fields section
Main Provider {PRIVPROV)
Unit of Length (UNITLGTH)
A new tab Accreditations will show in Learner Manager for institutions with a valid HESA licence.
Users can now bulk amend the Include In HESA field in the Learner Manager grid
In the Enrolment Details screen, a new checkbox Save Entry Profile Values has been added to the HESA details tab within a learner's enrolment. When ticked the following fields will be stored in a snapshot for the HESA output so that changes can be made to the fields without losing the original values required for HESA.
Access programme (ACCESSPRG)
APEL credits (APELCRD)
Care leaver (CARELEAVER)
Credits points counted towards study (CRDPTSTU)
Credit scheme (CRDSCM)
Entry profile dependant (ENTPRODEP)
Estranged student (ESTRANGED)
Highest qualification on entry (HIGHESTQOE)
Marital status (MARSTAT)
Parental education (PARED)
Country of permanent address (PERMADDCOUNTRY)
Postcode of permanent home address (PERMADDPOSTCODE)
Previous provider (PREVIOUSPROVIDER)
Religious background (RELIGIOUSBGROUND)
Socio economic classification (SEC)
Standard occupational classification 2010 (SOC2010)
Standard occupational classification 2020 (SOC2020)
Year left last provider (YRLLPROV)
The Save Entry Profile field has also been added to the Learner Manager Enrolments grid. Flood fill can be used with this column.
The Curriculum Cloning process for Unit Instances that are being cloned has been updated to include the following elements:
Module Delivery Roles (MODULE_DELIVERY_ROLES)
Module Cost Centres (MODULE_COST_CENTRES)
The HESA study location tab in curriculum UIO details at level 2 has been updated to be included in the curriculum cloning and roll forward process.
HESA Data Futures Output
The following changes have been made to the HESA Data Futures Output:
The export will output the data stored at HESA Study Location in the enrolment. If no data is stored in the enrolment, it will return the HESA Study location data from level 2 of the curriculum UIO.
The HESA output has been amended to return ENGPRINONUK when Primarily outside the UK has been ticked Y in the HESA details tab of the learners enrolment. This has replaced studylocation.PRINONUK and therefore it will no longer be included in the output.
The field Teacher Reference Number (TRN) will no longer be included in the HESA output.
WAL The field ESTRANGED has been added to the output.
The HESA output has been amended to return the entry profile snapshot values when the field Save Entry Profile Values has been ticked.